We're delighted to be part of the Medibank Choice Provider, nib First Choice Network and HCF More for Muscles program, which means if you have extras insurance with these health funds, you'll pay less for Physio!

Helping you to return to health using evidence based rehabiliation and injury prevention

Being injured or unable to operate at your full potential can be frustrating. At Restorativ Physiotherapy we are passionate about the biomechanics of the human body, eliminating pain and restoring function. We draw from over 20 years of experience rehabilitating and preventing injury in professional sports, private practice and occupational health settings. We offer both Clinic and TelePhysio appointments.

We provide:

  • Accurate diagnosis and ongoing assessment

  • Joint mobilisation/manipulation

  • Massage/ Myofascial Release

  • Education

  • Acupuncture/ Electrical Acupuncture

  • Electrotherapy

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Exercise Rehabilitation in onsite rehab gym

Injury prevention plans

We can devise individualized exercise based and treatment based plans to help you to mitigate injury risk both in work and sports settings. This involves a specific and tailored pre injury assessment.

Sporting injuries

We have extensive experience working in professional sports, in the English and Scottish Premier Soccer Leagues in the UK and the AFL in Australia. This enables us to develop sports specific rehabilitation plans to assist in your recovery and help you return to full activity. We are also available for any maintenance treatments for wither elite or recreational athletes.

Back and neck pain/headache management

Whether it is an acute episode, ongoing chronic pain or post-surgical rehab. We pride ourselves on reducing re-injury rates through comprehensive and individualised rehabilitation plans.

Pre and Post Orthopaedic Surgical care

We work closely with leading Orthopaedic surgeons to ensure we have first-hand knowledge of the procedures and protocols required for specific pre and postoperative care, leading to improved outcomes.

Postural and overuse syndromes

Tailored treatment and rehabilitation programmes to mitigate pain and restore full function.

Work related injury

Comprehensive treatment and rehabilitaion plans to decrease pain and restore function to get you back to work as quickly and safely as possible.